Sunday, 31 October 2010

Me, myself and eventually I.

A portrait I did for an interview I gave. Both weren't used, though...

Philip Schaufelberger Philip Schaufelberger

old war, new war...

Old stuff ages quickly...

überlauf by Philip Schaufelberger ueberlauf Philip Schaufelberger

Monday, 25 October 2010

a supportive sight dosen't always work the way I want it to...
diversity Philip Schaufelberger

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

clipp your hands say press

As previously mentioned, I usually don't boast about my work. But it is about "Hier. Dort. Diese Strasse." and therefore I do post the press clipping referring to it.

I also would like to point out that I have a huge amount of respect for these women, whether they do it willingly or being forced. Though, the latter needs to be prevented from happening.

This is one occasion to which the article refers to:

Philip Schaufelberger