Sunday, 27 March 2011

it's all over now baby white

It's finished...for now. I'll be posting a bigger making of and proper acknowledgement of the people involved by the time the issue is out.

Jaminlips preparing the cover
Jam Jopp Superman
Jaminlips preparing the cover

Philip Schaufelberger

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Sunday, 13 March 2011

noiseless bumblebee

I thought I'd post some of my more "usual" work for a change.

Layoutillustration by Philip Schaufelbergerlayout illustration by Philip Schaufelberger Philip Schaufelberger

Sunday, 6 March 2011

without the white queen

Well, there is progress to be announced on the often rumored but as of yet unseen Bluttcover...but more for later.

Jaminlips preparing the cover
Jam Jopp Superman

The following pictures are provided by Jam Jopp, partner in crime on the dramedy that is the new issue of the Blutt Magazin.

(click to enlarge)
Jam Jopp and 'lip on the set to Bluttcover the Movie Blutt Comicmagazin Cover
Blutt Comicmagazin Cover snipet

Philip Schaufelberger