Monday, 18 May 2009

Garden of enlightment

Philip Schaufelberger garden
Philip Schaufelberger salesman

On a diffrent note, I'd like to mention that once more the Blutt Comicmagazin has been unleashed to paint a location. This time it was (and still will be) for the music festival B-Sides which will be taking place on 12th - 13th of June.
Among the illustrious musicians that hold a concert at the festival will also be the Antipop Consortium.

Anyway, more photos from the location (above Luzern!) will follow. For now be pleased to look at the following ones.

(click to enlarge)
Blutt Comicmagazin @ B-Sides Blutt Comicmagazin @ B-Sides
Blutt Comicmagazin @ B-Sides Blutt Comicmagazin @ B-Sides
Blutt Comicmagazin @ B-Sides Blutt Comicmagazin @ B-Sides

Philip Schaufelberger

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