Saturday 10 March 2007

Power Plug!

I should have done this some time ago.
Basically, I just plug a few people I know that are worth to be heard.

- Apokatastasia: The only rock-band I know who can much more than just holding a guitar. There's no sampling, everything is played by members of the group. Described as a gentle shot of metal with Gentle Giant in it's veins, Apokatastasia will even draw fans of Classical Music to their sound.

- Aggressive Sound Painters: Their band name says it all.

- robert b.: Unfortunately, his own tracks aren't uploaded anymore. Although only his remixes of the Beastie Boys and Jayz are available now, he's still worth to be checked out. If you like Ennio Morricone, Dangerdoom and Thome Yorke, you will like him, too.

- Intellect: Don't try to understand it, you won't. At least if you are no swiss-german speaker. He seems to refuse to upload his newer and acclaimed tracks, but to get a glimpse of his talent its totally sufficient.

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Philip Schaufelberger
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1 comment:

PLUG said...

This is a excellent blog posting and very helpful.